Fridge Recycling


Environmentally responsible fridge recycling

NJM Metal Recycling, based in Southampton, offers a dedicated fridge recycling service that is environmentally responsible and convenient for customers. Recognising the need for specialised disposal due to the hazardous substances found in refrigerators, such as refrigerants and insulating foams, NJM ensures that all components are properly handled and recycled in compliance with environmental regulations.

Fridge recycling is a critical service because fridges contain materials that can be harmful to the environment if not disposed of correctly. NJM Metal Recycling has developed a streamlined process to ensure that every part of the discarded fridge is either recycled or safely disposed of. This includes the removal of gases and hazardous materials, which are processed under strict health and safety standards.

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Flexible collection services

Domestic and commercial

The company caters to both residential and commercial clients, offering flexible collection services to make recycling old refrigeration units as hassle-free as possible. Whether it's a single household fridge or multiple units from a commercial establishment, NJM provides the necessary resources and logistics to handle collections efficiently. Our service not only helps in keeping harmful materials out of landfills but also recovers valuable materials like metals and plastics for reuse.

Our approach

NJM Metal Recycling's approach to fridge recycling emphasises customer convenience and environmental responsibility. We provide a mobile weighing service, which allows for immediate and accurate valuation of recyclable materials, ensuring that clients receive competitive compensation for their scrap appliances. This process not only supports recycling initiatives but also encourages the community to participate in responsible disposal practices.

Eco-friendly practices

The commitment of NJM Metal Recycling to eco-friendly practices extends beyond just fridge recycling. With over 20 years of experience in the metal recycling industry, we offer a broad range of recycling services and are dedicated to sustainability and reducing environmental impact. Our comprehensive services and commitment to customer satisfaction make us a leading choice for fridge recycling in Southampton and surrounding areas.

Over 20 Years Experience

Same Day Payment

Southampton & London

Responsible Recycling

Market Leading Prices

Mobile Weighing